วันจันทร์ที่ 5 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2555

My Hair Doesn't Make Me, I Make My Hair!

          I believe women are more sensitive about their hair than any other part of their body. I remember getting teased by the little white girls when I would wear my hair down at school because it would puff up, and also being teased by members of my family from my dads side, they are half Asian and have super wavy thick hair. I have always had thick hair but learned at a very young age that it just wasn't good..enough. What I know now is, I have beautiful hair! I think people are very uneducated when It comes to kinky or Afro texture hair. As I have stated in previous posts, Afro kinky hair need extra TLC. It needs to be handled delicately from the ends to achieve longer lengths. Otherwise we tear up our ends and that's why it may seem to never grow. Is that so difficult to comprehend? So when you are rushing out of the house to drop off the kids to school, DO NOT RUSH COMB YOUR HAIR! Just throw it in a bun, knit cap, bonnet, or scarf until you return and can take your time.
        I can't count how many lady's hair I have done that wishes they can stop wearing weaves. They can! if they really want to- that is. But unfortunately some people do not have the self discipline, the know how, or even know where to start. What keeps me from putting someone else's hair on my head is the thought that it came from someone else's head- Booyow!! Also no telling what can of spirit that person had or even bugs! I don't care that they treated it! I like the feel of my own hair growing out of my head. I like to be free, and this goes with my free spirit. I want my man to be able to adore my hair just as much as I do, and run his fingers through it from the scalp. Oh and ladies, if you have never gotten a scalp massage from your man, you're missing out! I also believe that healthy long locks on a sistas head opens her up to a better quality of life. Think about it! More positivity flows your way, that means compliments and smiles which leads to confidence and becoming more outgoing and meeting different interesting people and it goes on and on.
        I don't know about you, but I never felt comfortable wearing a weave. I always felt like they know me as the girl that doesn't have any hair lol or "that's not her hair" they would be debating amongst themselves. I know many women think and say,"I don't care what any body think" and that's good to a degree. You really should care what other people think.. pretty muuuch! (in my country twang voice) especially if you deal with people. You just don't have always do what other people think. Taking into consideration about image is important. Many people judge based on appearance, yeah it's not always right but that's the way it is.
      I have been in hair care for over 20 years. However now I feel it is my mission is to inform those that have been misinformed over the years about the care of their hair. So they can properly manage their hair at home by knowing what products works best for their hair and what oils are good to use. Also what products that are not good for their hair as well. Knowing these things are essential for promoting healthy hair and growing the hair to extraordinary lengths. women would be surprised at what their hair is capable of when nurtured. For more free valuable information please visit http://www.whatsgoodhair.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7345861

