วันเสาร์ที่ 3 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2555

Got Dark Eye Circles? Make Them Disappear - No Tricks Involved

       Dark eye circles, bet you thought all you needed was a good night's sleep only to discover that didn't help at all. Let the truth be told; your dark eye circles could be a result of your genetic makeup; that holds true especially among some African Americans because of the high amount of melanin in our skin. Other possible causes are eczema, seasonal and other allergies, lack of sleep, and of cause aging.
      Depending on what's causing your eye circles you might want to consider seeking professional help. Below are 4 steps you can take to make your dark circles disappear no tricks involved.
  1. Drink water with lemon you can start by squeezing the juice from one whole lemon in an 8oz glass of water drink it in the morning before you eat breakfast. This process flushes toxins and cleanse the liver It's like a detox, however many people found out it gets rid of dark eye circles so try doing this process until your circles are gone keep in mind that the lemon is optional.

  2. Two Green tea bags work's miracles for under eye circles. Why does this method work? Well after doing a little research on the little miracle workers I found out that according to Dr that they are less noticeable and the antioxidants will reduce inflammation and puffiness which could be the main cause of the darkness under the eyes. You can try this by boiling the tea bags for 5 to 8 minutes, let them cool, place them on each eye for 15 to 20 minutes repeat this process once a week and watch your dark circles disappear.

  3. Try a saline solution this can be made from 2 cups of water ¼ teaspoon of sea salt and/or 1/2 of teaspoon of baking soda this solution will need to be put in one side of your nose with your head tiled to the side so that the solution run out the other side of your nose then do the other side. Don't do this method unless you have been diagnosed by a professional medical doctor that you have a nasal congestion problem and that is the cause of your dark eye circles.

  4. Moisturize your skin often this works because of the dehydration effects it has on your skin as a whole. This method will reduce stress in the region of your eyes almost as well as sleep. Watch what you eat your diet could play a role in your eye circles. Try adding more iron deficiency foods to your meals and take your vitamins as well.
       I've learned that when it comes to those pesky dark circles under the eyes there are many reasons as to why they are there as well as many solutions to getting rid of them. When it all boils down to it the best way to get rid of dark circles is preventing them in the first place.
      Start by taking care of yourself get your proper rest, reduce your salt and alcohol intake, as well as eat well balanced meals. Now don't get me wrong I'm aware of the fact the some people get dark circles as to no fault of their own for example a prolonged illness and so on. My whole message is the better you take care of yourself the better you will look and feel and that include those dark eye circles.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7347168

